Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer Steelhead Time - Spey Casting Feeling Rusty? - Brush Up With a Spey Casting Lesson

Many people have probably had some dust collecting on their spey fishing gear, and it is time to wipe it off. Steelhead are in the Willamette Valley Rivers in good numbers, and it is time to get out to fish for them. The other day, I was giving a spey casting lesson on the lower Clackamas River, and I thought of how many people have probably not touched their spey rod since March some time, and April for others. Anyone who is in the learning phases of spey casting probably has forgotten all of the good habits; like where your anchor point should fall in reference to your rod and body. Small little nuances, like how should I swing my rod around to form a beautiful tight formed D-loop? Well, the fish are running, and you can hear your reels sing, or you can sit around and catch up on that yard work.
Brand Spanking New Spey Rod Ready for Use - Photo By Arian
 If you already know how to spey cast, but want a refresher on the different fly lines, how to work them, work on the little nuances of casting you may have questions about,  and which fly lines to be using for these "Skamania Stock" summer runs in what situations; then get a hold of me for a lesson on my contact page.

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