Saturday, October 20, 2012

October McKenzie Fly Fishing Update - Photos

Well I have been out touch lately on a heavy guiding bender; so I have been away from the computer. Sorry for the lack of blog postings in the recent days, but this is the last month of the dry season fly fishing, and the weather is currently swinging into the wet season. Here are some pics from the fishing trips I have been experiencing recently. We had one big gusher that blew the river out for a day, and now we are on more of a normal weather pattern again. Fishing should be good over the next couple of weeks as long as the weather cooperates. Between fall trout fishing, fall summer steelheading, and fall salmon; there is plenty of good opportunities to engage in fly fishing-wise.Get out there and experience it before the wet season kicks in, and you get cases of "cabin fever"
This Coastal Cutty took this October Caddis Dry Fly

Some red fall colors on the banks of the McKenzie River

This rainbow took a Morrish's Super Pupa dead drifted under a October Caddis Dry

On tight to a McKenzie River summer steelhead after the first fall freshet....

Summer steelhead taken on a dead drifted pink glo bug.....

Angler with a nice hard bodied summer steelhead caught in October

A nice big buck summer steelhead that I managed to catch in between my guided trips....

On tight with a large McKenzie River rainbow "redside" trout that took a swung October Caddis Pupa 
Pic of a fine McKenzie River Rainbow Trout caught on a October Caddis Pupa pattern

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful fish! Nice for you both to be able to get out there in the Fall.
