Sunday, November 2, 2014

Bonefish Bonanza - 10/28 through 10/30 - Report

This is a short little photo/video blurb from my past El Pescador "Belize Bonefish Bonanza" Trip through Orvis. I fished on 10-28 through 10-30, and I was there for the day before that and the morning after also. There will be more pics and video to come, but I need to get my footage off of my boat partner Bob's laptop when he gets back (he stayed longer and added more days to the trip). I am also going to have pics from other people on the trip who were not in my boat; so stay tuned for more to come. I just have been so excited about how amazing of a time I experienced; so I had to share the pieces of footage I do have on me for right now.

Bob with one of the many Jacks during the amazing blitz we experienced
Stunning flats all over the place....
Bob with another jack, and you can tell Emir is getting one off for me at the same time....
Scanning the flats for nervous water.....
Little, but my first official bonefish in Belize.....Scrappy and on a H2 9' 6wt Saltwater model
Bob's first landed bonefish in Belize...
Working for tarpon in a channel where they were rolling....
Gordy working the polling platform....He is like an Osprey with his eyes...
Life is rough when this is what you have to stare at....... Gorgeous scenery!!
Mangroves line the waters....
Captain Emir and his son Gordy (soon to be Captain) were amazing to be in the boat with.
A brief interlude with a tarpon....
Click Here to Watch Video 

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