Thursday, June 28, 2012

Blog Slacker....Too Busy With Guiding....Quick Steelhead Video To Tide You Over....

I am sorry for the delay in entries. I have been literally guiding every day, and have not had any time for a new update. Soon I will get you all caught up on the latest fishing, but hold tight for a few more days. Fishing on the McKenzie and Willamette has been fair to good, and a few days out there have been exceptional. Trout fishing has been very good on the McKenzie and the Willamette has been fair to good. The steelhead fishing has been fair on both rivers, but numbers are indicating that things should start to scream soon. I have been seeing lots of steelhead, but they are either not wanting to partake in any battles, or they are giving lots of sniffy short grabs. We have been landing an average of a fish a day, but getting several tight line grabs. Seems like that should change over the next few days as water levels have recently stabilized. The next report will tell......

Here is a short video to enjoy of the latter part of the battle of a hot and angry summer hatchery steelhead:

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