Friday, April 20, 2012

Filbert My Favorite Fishing Partner is Resting In Peace

Recently, my dog Filbert has been battling with an awful illness that was tough to diagnose. After three bouts with the mystery ailment, a specialist was able to diagnose it as Myeloid Leukemia. Unfortunately, it was too far along in its progress, and there was no treatment. On the afternoon of April 18, 2012, Filbert was pronounced dead after a treatment of euthanasia was practiced upon him. The evening before he was acting like a young champ again, but only to be followed with the most awful night Filbert could ever have. He moaned and groaned in pain and agony, and he was obviously very uncomfortable.  I decided then that I could not put him through another night like that again. He had a very nice and comfortable last day during the hours leading up to his procedure luckily, but unfortunately the cancer has taken its toll too far.

Now, for all of you who know him and have experienced his greatness, I am putting some pictures up of him, and also a video I made of his last big fishing adventure with Nikki and I. It was just two weekends ago that we took him to the Owyhee before he had his last bout with the disease. It was great that he got to have his last EPIC fly fishing trip.

Enjoy! I know Mr. Filbert would want all of us who knew him to enjoy him in the form of fond memories.....

Filbert in on the brown trout action

Every brown trout needed a thorough brown trout inspection...

Filbert was admiring the Deschutes riparian area....

Filbert was feeling relaxed on the Deschutes River.....

Filbert loved the smell of the sage laden air on the Deschutes River

Big winter steelhead really got Filbert fired up....

Filbert felt that this hatchery chromer needed to be harvested for the wild fish gene pool...

Filbert and Nikki had to take a relax break from fishing....

Filbert loved his smallmouth bass trips....

He was way into camping.....

He sure knew how to keep warm and bundled up....
This is a video of Filbert's last awesome weekend. He got to experience the big brown trout that swim in the Owyhee River. Enjoy! I know Filbert had his last epic fishing trip here! (The video has the music you are able to download on YouTube; so it fits the length of the song)


  1. i always enjoyed watching him run around on your videos and getting excited whenever you brought a fish in.. it's always tough losing a friend,especially a great one. im sorry for your loss

  2. Filbert will be missed. I always enjoyed seeing him at the shop in Walterville. I'm sorry to hear about his suffering and your loss.

  3. Im sorry for your loss Brian,I got to meet filbert on our first float on the willamette we did with you,he greeted us with a big smile and wet tongue!!!Im glad you were able to share your fly fishing passion with him as he sure seems to enjoy himself on your fishing trips.

  4. Brian, I got to hear you speak to the Cascade FF club last night and your presentation was most enjoyable. I especially enjoyed the photos of the Middle Fork as Black Canyon is one of my favorite spots to fish. I don't have a boat, but there is good access for wading.

    I am super sorry about your loss. I have a golden retriever and he is the best friend and fishing partner I could ever ask for. I can't imagine going through this it would be very easy.
    Maryam Peigahi

  5. Filbert, was a Noble Creature.... Sorry man
