Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pineapple Express Brings Some Flooding and High Water!!!

Be careful out there when driving near those "little creeks"! Stories of tragic automobile incidents have plagued our news stations; so be aware of how powerful the flows of water can be while flowing across streets and parking lots. This flooding can be very localized with effects in one area being severe with culverts overflowing onto streets; while the next drainage over may be flowing a little swollen above normal. Rivers are high on the north coast, but the heaviest flooding effects seems to be on the central coast.

The north coast rivers are running high, and they may reach a potential dangerous flood stages, but as of now they are running as high as any typical winter weather system. The potential is there for a whammy of flooding events though; so be aware! If the heavy rains persist, water levels may spike up to serious flood levels; so lets hope that this weather system halts itself soon!

Trask River Gauge Reading 1/19/2012
Nehalem Gauge Reading 1/19/2012
The central coast has already gotten hammered with flooding water levels very badly! Flood stage for the Siulslaw River is 18 feet, and bankfull is 15 feet; so there is some significant flooded water levels already there. 18 feet is the flood stage for the Alsea River gauge, and the river has spiked well above that, but hopefully seemed to peak out. Let's hope that this weather tones itself down right away, but only time will tell.....
Siuslaw River Gauge Reading 1/19/2012
Alsea River Gauge Reading 1/19/2012
 Anytime you have low snow levels for a few days, and then a warm "Pacific Pineapple" weather system, there is a recipe for disaster. Take these weather events seriously, and respect the power of water. A little overflowed culvert can cause fatalities; so don't drive through any water that is flowing over roads and parking lots. Storms will cease eventually; so wait it out before you decide to go driving and recreating in potential flood waters.

Oregon Coast Daily News - Flooding in Alsea & Siletz Basins
Mohawk River flooding prompts evacuation notice Flooding Closes Highway 22 & 229 

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