Monday, September 26, 2011

2011 Summer's Final Day - Cutty Extravaganza

A Super Spotted Coastal Cutthroat Trout
This past week, I ran a trip on the final day of the summer, and the cutthroat trout fishing was nothing short of red hot. The weather was warm too, but not after a several hour overcast spell that shaded the water and made the cutties feel fearless. It was fun out there, and you could more or less call where you were going to have your flies taken.
This Coastal Cutthroat Trout Fell To a Swung Wet Fly
At first, it was slower than it could have possibly been, but somehow the overcast settled in, and the fishing quality erupted into a fun session. Interestingly enough, after several hours, the sun burned a hole through the sky, and when it opened back up from the blanket of overcast, the fishing slowed down dramatically. Luckily, the guys had their fill of fish catching by then, and we fished our way to the takeout.
October Caddis Pupal Shucks & Golden Stone Nymph Exoskeleton
We took fish with a dry and dropper rig, and the nymph was taken more, but the attention to the dry fly was very significant. We also swung double wet fly rigs, and the fish seemed to take more or less many offerings, but larger softhackles with beadheads worked very well. Both Prince Nymphs and Possie Buggers took many fish while operating the dry and dropper rigs. The dry flies we were using were the Chubby Chernobyl and the Chubby Norm. October caddis pupal shucks are on the rocks; so I would not hesitate to throw those now, and I have seen some adults on some of the area rivers. The October Caddis will only increase in frequency and numbers out there.
One of many nice Cutthroats Caught on Summer's Last Day
Click Here For Video

We also are having some rain and that can make things really interesting out there. Between salmon runs, sea run cutthroats, waking up the summer steelhead into full force, and whatever else you can think of; fall is here. Get out and FISH!!! It is time!!!

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